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Marine And Fishing Wire Rope

Plastic coated wire rope scrapping standard

Plastic coated wire rope scrapping standard

1.Wires broken
When wire rope appear broken wires,even small number indicates that the section stress is very high, may be due to the  wall caused by incorrect installation,should identify the cause of damage.If the cord length allowed,should cut the part of the broken wires to the reasonable installation.

2.Wire rope diameter being decrease for the core damage
When the wire rope damage of fiber core or steel core (or internal strand) of multilayer structure fracture caused by the rope was significantly reduced, wire rope should be scrapped.Minor damage, especially when all the strand stress are in a good balance,with the usual testing method may not be obvious.However,this kind of situation will cause the strength of the wire rope is greatly reduced.So,there is no internal subtle signs of damage, find out all the internal inspection of the steel wire rope.Once confirmed the damage, the wire rope should be scrapped.

3.The external and internal corrosion

Corrosion in Marine or industrial pollution in the atmosphere is very apt to happen.It not only reduces the metal area of the wire rope and thus reduces the breaking strength,but also will cause the rough surface and to start development and accelerate the fatigue cracks.Serious corrosion still can cause the decrease of elastic rope.

4.The internal wear and pit
This kind of situation was caused friction between wire rope strand and wire ,in particular when subjected to bending wire rope.


Contact: AULONE

Phone: 86-15573139663

Tel: 86-0731-83165008


Add: Address:Kaiyuan road 36,Chunkou,Liuyang, Hunan,China.